Church-Run Activities
Bluebell Club
The Bluebell Club is a social club for seniors. It meets every Monday morning at 9.30 am apart from bank holidays. Activities include craft, bingo, speakers, and outings to the Theatre Royal and other places of interest. Refreshments are served during the morning. There is a small weekly subscription to help with running costs but the Church will help individuals with this in cases of hardship. Anyone can join and people don’t need to be a member of the Church.
Monday Group
The Monday Group meets once a month on a Monday afternoon. A programme of discussions and outings is organised. The Moday Group is currently suspended
Time for Peace
Tuesday 1.00 to 2.00 pm Time for Peace. An opportunity to get away from the world outside during a lunch break. Do nothing, read, meditate, talk to our steward – its up to you. Our Minister is also usually available if you would like a private chat about personal matters. Time for Peace is currently suspended
Thursday Coffee Mornings
We are open from 10.30 until 12.00 every Thursday for tea, coffee and chat. All are welcome to join us.
Bible Study
Bible study is one afternoon every other week in the Church and on Zoom. Please contact us for further details.
Externally-Run Activities
A group for mothers and toddlers held on a Friday morning from 10.15. The Busbees are run by members of the Windsor Fellowship Church in conjunction with Christ Church
Royal Free Singers
Every year around the middle of December we host a charity Christmas Concert in conjunction with the Royal Free Singers (RFS). With a choir in excess of 40 voices the RFS perform an excellent selection of new works and old favourites. Refreshments are provided during the interval by Church members. The concert is free to enter and last year around £600 was raised for charity from a retiring collection and a raffle. The 2023 Concert takes place on 16th December. Click here to be taken to website.
Windsor Night Shelter
We were one of a group of Churches in Windsor to host the Windsor Night Shelter for homeless people during the winters of 2018/19 and 2019/20. We hope it will be able to resume once the pandemic is over. Click here to be taken to website.
Berkshire Family History Society
The BFHS meets on a Tuesday evening once a month for those wishing to learn more about tracing their family history. Speakers talk on a wide range of topics and there is an extensive library of useful books and magazines to borrow. The BFHS is not meeting at the Church at present due to Covid restrictions. Further details of BFHS can be found here